Forever (2020) Models
Wine Glass
Modeled from 1 cube in Maya. It could have been done using NURBs. The shape was easily controlled with a low poly version, however with lots of feedback, this model took on many different versions before going with this one. Getting the glass to look just right with wine still in the glass and adding fingerprints, dirt, dust, and lipstick smudges took many iterations. Much more than anticipated.
Surprisingly the easiest model had the most feedback. A lot of the feedback given for this model was the overall shape of the glass. Many thought it did not meet the style and class of what was needed for the story.
Sometimes the reference piece can cause the most issues.
Wine Bottle
Basic bottle modeled from 1 cube in Maya. The wax label took several revisions. In the end, this is all one cube. This optimizes performance for rendering. The shader was built using a complex PxrLayer shader. Masks were used to separate the wax, from the glass, from the label. This allowed for an asset to be created and then several layers of dust and fingerprints were added later on.
This is the kind of optimization I live for. As the rendering and pipeline person for this project, I had complete control over how to optimize my models.
Dinner Table
Modeled from 1 cube in Maya in all quads. Several modifications made as specified by the team and industry mentors
Team Rattlesnacks
• Drew Gillie •
Forever © 2020 • Team Rattlesnacks • Drew Gillie •
As a note: The models on this page are in their mid-poly forms. In Renderman when setting the model to ‘smooth-preview’ the assets will render out smooth.
The embedded 3D models may not play on your web browser. You can check these out on my Sketchfab account.